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Cláudia Gonçalves Barroso

Gonçalves Barroso

Cláudia Gonçalves Barroso is the Head of the International Relations Unit of the Portuguese Administrative Modernization Agency (AMA).

AMA is responsible for the national strategy and policies of digital government and services, administrative simplification, public participation and related activities both on the front and back office.

Cláudia Barroso coordinates the representation and participation in international fora and workgroups in the context of AMA’s activities. This includes European, bilateral and multilateral relations – European Commission, OECD, Digital Nations, CPLP - Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, Guiné-Bissau, Guiné Equatorial, Mozambique and São Tomé e Príncipe), ICA, among other – to promote the Portuguese cooperation in the administrative modernization landscape.

The International Relations Unit is also responsible for areas such as public electronic services delivery evaluation, European legislation and coordination and/or participation in projects from funding programs in the areas of open data, interoperability, eID, e-health and other associated to the digital single market and Union.

Cláudia works in the Information Technology (ICT) sector for more than a decade, having collaborated directly or provided consulting services to IT companies such as IBM, SAS, market analyst IDC and other IT Portuguese players acting in the IT national and international field.

She has also worked as appointed Portuguese Advisor to the World Bank Group, the European Investment Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, as well as in the Portuguese public body responsible for the supervision of road public-private partnerships.

Cláudia Barroso holds a master degree in Strategic Communication (Nova University of Lisbon), focused on digital government and the impact of Internet and social media as communication tools to citizens

Questo relatore nel programma congressuale

martedì, 22 Giugno 2021


Data driven economy: dalla strategia europea alla nuova governance nazionale[tm.02]

La capacità di archiviazione, stoccaggio, estrazione e messa a sistema dei dati dimostrata dalle amministrazioni nell’ultimo anno ha messo in luce una insufficienza di riuso razionale ed efficiente del patrimonio informativo pubblico, soprattutto relativamente agli standard di pubblicazione e condivisione dei dati a livello nazionale, nonché tra Stati membri. Per dare e [...segue]